e’Spread peanut butter


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e’Spread peanut butter

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e’Spread peanut butter, an innovation in nutty deliciousness and high-impact nutrition, is the ultimate fortified peanut butter that combines irresistible taste with our highly absorbable e’nutrition formulation. This smooth and creamy blend is not your ordinary spread, it’s a nutrient-packed delight that contains the 8 most important amino acid-chelated minerals your body will thrive with.


We’ve redefined the classic peanut butter experience by stripping away unnecessary additives including sugar. What you get is pure, unadulterated goodness in every jar. Crafted with a commitment to simplicity and using ingredients that only suit your body’s needs, e’Spread Peanut butter is a nutritional powerhouse, fortified with our curated blend of essential vitamins and minerals, Whether you spread it on toast, blend it into smoothies, or enjoy it straight from the jar, e’Spread Peanut Butter is your go-to choice for a delicious and nutritious snack.

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